Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Training Log: 4/28/14

First training log on here in over a month. Figured I should keep up with this now that my life is slightly less hectic.

2x8 Bar
1x5 135
1x3 225
1x2 275
4x3 315

1x8 Bar
1x4 95
3x4 135 (sprained my wrist a while ago so I have to take it easy on presses)

Deficit Deadlift (2 inches):
2x5 135
1x3 225
1x2 275
4x3 315

Pause Deficit Deadlift:
5x3 225

Stay Strong,

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


So it's been a while since I've posted anything on here. I think I'll just ramble a bit for my first post back. Recently, I competed at my first full powerlifting meet. I ended up taking 5th in the open and 1st in the 18/19 age group at the 181 weight class. This was about a week and a half ago. There's just this feeling of satisfaction contentedness that I've been experiencing. That's great and all, but I can't help but feel like I need to get that hungry feeling back. I just want to raise my total above 1300 as soon as possible and if I don't train harder than a starving wolf chasing a deer, I won't get there by my next meet.

On a somewhat unrelated note, deficit deadlifts, pause deadlifts, and breathing pause squats are the greatest exercises I have ever done. One day these exercises will help me pull 300 kg and a 250 kg squat. Honestly, I don't even really care about my bench anymore. It's just a means to a total now.

Stay Strong,