Saturday, March 22, 2014

Training Log: 3/22/14 (Kill the Obstacles)

Today's plan was simple. Deadlift and do it heavy. I think I did ok.

2x6 135
1x3 225
1x2 315
1x1 365
1x1 405
1x1 440 (5lb PR)
1x1 465 (30lb PR)
1x1 485 (50lb PR)
1x1 500 (65lb PR)

Yeah, so the only word I can think of for today is "wow." After not training my deadlift at a weight above 405 for 5 months, I blasted through a slew of PR's like nobody's business. Sure the last rep was a little ugly, but it was meet legal and I've never been more psyched.

Keep breaking your boundaries.

Stay Strong,

Training Log: 3/21/14

3/21/14 - Friday:

1x5 Bar
1x5 135
1x3 225
1x2 275
5x2 335

1x5 Bar
1x5 95
1x3 135
1x2 185
8x4 220

Dumbbell row:
3x6 110

Prowler Sprints:
4x25m 45 lbs added

This day was killer. My bench muscles were so fried after this session, and the prowler sprints left my core, quads, and lungs dying.

Stay Strong,

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Training Log: 3/19/14

Quick and easy session this morning. Then I interviewed our head football coach on what it takes to go into the coaching profession, which was a really neat experience.

2x10 Bar
1x6 95
1x4 135
1x2 185
7x5 205

Dumbbell Row:
2x5 115

My chest and tri's were pretty sore at first, but by set 3, I was in a really really good groove like I hadn't felt in a long time (I don't enjoy benching). I should enjoy benching more because I have great leverages for it, but for some reason I just don't find it that enjoyable. I'd much rather squat any day, but you gotta do what you can to bring up your weaknesses.

Stay Strong,

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Training Log: 3/18/14 (Make Do)

So I had to go in today because I won't have enough time for my full session tomorrow. Originally, I had front squats, bench, good mornings, dumbbell rows, and hanging knee raises planned. I did half the volume today and will do half tomorrow morning.

Front Squat:
2x5 Bar
1x5 95
1x3 135
1x2 185
3x5 225

Good Mornings:
1x5 Bar
1x3 135
1x2 185
2x5 225

Hanging Knee Raise:

I really enjoyed putting front squats back into my workout. I know it's getting close to meet time, but front squats give me a confidence boost that I can't explain. I used to be a weightlifter so I just like them a lot. Good mornings are the devil. That's why I do them. They allow me to hit my squatting and deadlifting muscles without having to do squats or deadlifts right after I've just done heavy singles on squat yesterday. Core work is my most needed thing right now, so the hanging knee raises were good. Pretty stoked to bench and row tomorrow. I think rows are my favorite assistance exercise.

Side note: I'm on the cheerleading squad at my school and I coach the lifting sessions too (I started them last year and they've been a big hit). I was wearing two hats tonight as I had to supervise the girls' and my buddy Brian's training while focusing on my workout as well. Like I've said before, seeing others make progress is the most rewarding thing for me, and tonight I had some athletes hit some rep PR's.

Stay Strong,

Monday, March 17, 2014

Training Log: 3/17/14 (Peaking)

Starting the peaking cycle for my meet today. I say that like I'm actually experienced at peaking lol. Anyways, today I worked up towards a max squat and then started my Smolov Jr. bench cycle. I ended up hitting a 10 lb PR on squat and my bench groove felt good, so I'm pretty happy with this workout.

2x5 Bar
1x5 135
1x4 185
1x3 225
1x2 275
1x1 315
1x1 345
1x1 375 (PR) video below
1x1 315 (beltless PR)

2x6 Bar
1x5 95
1x3 135
6x6 195

Let me tell you, that chest pump is insane.

Stay Strong,

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Training Log: 3/14/14 (Environment)

Yesterday I trained at a new gym. It's a pretty cool place and there was a back room with all the necessary powerlifting equipment like a squat bar, deadlift bar, lots of chains etc. The atmosphere got me pretty hyped up at first, but then I talked to some of the people there and they weren't very friendly at all. Everyone just kind of kept to themselves and it didn't really feel like the gym community that I was used to. To top it all off, I had only gotten 6 hours of sleep the night before and all that was in my belly at the time was a bowl of cereal and a chicken breast. I'm still pretty ok with how the lift went, though.

Texas Method C1W4D3:
2x5 Bar
1x5 135
1x3 225
1x2 275
1x5 330 (Rep PR)
3x1 345

2x6 Bar
1x4 95
1x2 135
1x2 165 (Rep PR)

1x5 140
1x3 230
1x2 320
1x1 410

I decided to do conventional deads today instead of sumo, because the best bar available was a 50 lb one with no knurling where my sumo grip would fall. I did the extra singles on squat just to make sure I still had the mentality to hit them. I've got a meet coming up in 4 weeks, so next week will be my last run of the Texas Method for now, then I'll start peaking.

Stay Strong,


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Training Log: 3/12/14 (Adapt)

I was stuck at home today because of a giant blizzard (hooray for spring break!) so I had to make do with the equipment on hand. There are no squat stands/squat rack here so I did front squats and just cleaned the bar into position. Thankfully, today was my light recovery day, so not getting to a squat rack was not too bad.

Texas Method C1W4D2:
Paused Front Squats
2x5 Bar
1x5 95
1x4 135
2x5 165

2x5 Bar
1x5 95
1x3 135
1x2 185
3x5 205

Pull Ups
3xFailure (12,10,9)

Another plus side to being stuck at home was that I could actually use my camera and tripod to film myself. I definitely didn't have the prettiest lifts today, but at least I got feedback on my form even though I was alone.

Stay Strong,

Monday, March 10, 2014

Training Log: 3/10/14 (Teach and Inspire)

Today I trained with a friend from high school and his brother. I showed them proper bench press form and oh my goodness, their faces lit up like it was Christmas. I also showed them how to squat properly and my buddy couldn't walk right for a solid couple minutes. Teaching people the ways of the iron is way more satisfying to me than hitting a new PR on a lift. Knowing that someone can now lift safely and effectively is very comforting to me.

Of course, I also trained myself today, and it went great.

Texas Method C1W4D1:
Squat 5x5 295lbs
Press 5x5 135lbs
Dead 1x5 365lbs
One arm Rows 3x6 100lbs

I added the rows because it's volume day anyway, I like back work, and I was teaching the other guys how to do them. I didn't stall on any reps today. I didn't even lose speed on my squats, which is awesome. Hopefully I won't feel too trashed tomorrow. I have Chipotle and whole milk though, so I think I'll be ok.

Stay Strong,

Friday, March 7, 2014

Training Log: 3/7/14

Awwww yeah buddy today was awesome!!! Rep PR on squat and matched my bench PR twice. However, I am the happiest about how my sumo deadlift form is progressing. It's coming along real smooth and I can't wait until it becomes my competition stance!

Texas Method C1W3D3:
Squat 1x5 325lbs
Bench 2x1 275lbs
Sumo Dead 2x3 305lbs

So the bench protocol for today called for a double at 275, but after my warmups, I decided it was wiser to do 2 singles, and they felt great. Instead of cleans on Fridays, I'll be working my sumo deads now because my leverages favor them and I feel I would benefit from eventually competing with that stance.

Stay Strong,

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Training Log: 3/5/14

Recovery/light day today. It felt really good.

Texas Method C1W3D2:
Squat 2x5 235lbs
Press 3x5 115lbs
Back Ext 5x10 45lbs
Chin ups 3xF (8,8,8)

The lower back pump is unreal.

Stay Strong,

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Training Log: 3/3/14

One day late. I was so wiped from the training session last night that I just stretched, slammed some food, and went to bed.

Texas Method C1W3D1:
Squats 5x5 295lbs
Bench 5x5 225lbs
Deadlift 1x5 355lbs

My back tightness was much improved this session. I had solid lifts all around because of it. However, I'm super sore today because of the tight upper back that I maintained all session for the first time. I absolutely loathe volume, but I realize it's necessary to get stronger. I'm looking forward to crushing a new 5RM on Friday.

Oh yeah, the squats were hard this session because I was having some stomach issues. But, every time I wanted to quit, I just pictured being back at The Arnold and talking to Andrey Malanichev. I told myself if he can put up 1,014 lbs, then 295 is doable for me.

Stay Strong,

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Arnold Classic 2014


What a great experience this weekend! I did my research on what to expect, but really nothing could have prepared me for the Arnold. I had to leave my dorm at 7 a.m. to get to Columbus by 9:30. I was feeling pretty tired and lethargic during the drive, but as soon as I got into the convention center, I could practically taste the energy around me! I was so alert when I stepped into the expo and almost got overwhelmed by what I saw.

There was so much to see there, but I had already developed a plan of action. I knew I definitely wanted to see The Cage and meet some Animal athletes. I also wanted to hit up Slingshot and hopefully chat with Mark Bell. I was not disappointed!

I spent a good two hours at the Cage! I got to see Richard Hawthorne, Andrey Malanichev, and Dan Green deadlift massive amounts of weight! I was in the back for Richard's deadlifts, but I managed to get (some not so great) videos of Malanichev pulling 815 and Dan Green pulling 865!!!

After watching those monsters, I made my way to Slingshot... and was met with NO LINE! Mark Bell was just standing there by himself and no one was talking to him! How crazy is that?! So, I just walked up, shook his hand, got a picture, and chatted for a bit. It was so surreal. I was nervous and felt really awkward, but he was so friendly and polite. I even got to try out the Slingshot for the first time!

I did some walking around and watched a little of the strongman competition. It was really cool to see those giants do the frame carry. I even saw Misha Koklyaev! And it was so cool to hear and see Bill Kazmaier himself announcing.

I decided to make my way back to Slingshot to see if the Lilliebridge's were there yet, and I got the surprise of the weekend.

Andrey Malanichev himself was standing there eating a giant bag of skittles and no one was even giving him a second glance!!!!!

After picking my jaw up from the floor and trying not to look stupid, I tapped him on the shoulder, shook his hand, and took a picture with him. I told him I wanted to be as strong as him one day and he just kind of laughed and said something that sounded like "one day!" He was so cool.

Honestly, getting to see so many powerlifting legends has inspired me to work harder than ever to get stronger. I think all the funk from Friday's bad workout is gone and I just want to smash some weights! I'm so glad I got to meet two of my favorite powerlifters and just experience the chaos that is the Arnold. I even saw the man himself! Sometimes, all you need is a glimpse of crazy strength to get you pumped.

Stay Strong,