Thursday, February 20, 2014

Pass It On

There is nothing more rewarding in the iron game than passing on knowledge and passion for the sport to those less experienced than yourself.

A new PR is great, for sure. It's a testament to hard work and patience. However, nothing beats helping instill those values into someone who didn't have them before. When you really stop and think about it, as has been said so many times before, lifting weights can be representative of life. The patterns of hard work, perseverance, and respect for others that you develop when you progress in the iron sports can and should be carried over to the rest of your life.

The weights can also be a tool to find your passions. Even if your passion is not the iron, there's something about being under that bar that causes you to think about what you really are passionate about in life.

Over the past few months, I've been blessed to see how teaching a friend of mine (who's also like a student to me) has helped him develop more focus and confidence in other aspects of his life. He's the perfect example of my philosophy that strength in the weight room is secondary to strength in work ethic. Sure, he lifts like an idiot sometimes and doesn't listen to me, but his heart is in the right place. What more can I ask than that?

Look, I'm not saying that lifting weights is the only way to develop discipline and work ethic. Far from it. There's just such a rewarding feeling when you get to personally witness someone find their passions and work towards them because of their experience lifting weights. And if you're in this iron game like I am, I hope that one day you too can pass on what you've learned and help make someone else stronger in all aspects of life.

The weights are more than weights. Use them well.

Stay Strong,

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